Forge of Empires Fair Trade Calculator

{{calculator.offeredGood}} ({{calculator.goods[calculator.offeredGood].age}}) => {{calculator.offeredAmount * (calculator.goods[calculator.offeredGood].price / calculator.goods[calculator.neededGood].price)}} {{calculator.neededGood}} ({{calculator.goods[calculator.neededGood].age}})

You cannot trade between these ages.

This calculator uses the cost of making the goods in Forge of Empires and calculates a fair ratio for trading based on the goods costs.

Please note: worlds have their own economy and a shortage of a certain good in the neighbourhood/guild may change what people are willing to pay for a certain good. This tool does not take any of this into account, nor does it take the cost of building the factory that creates the guild. The assumption is that any one time cost becomes negligable over time.